The Physical Activity and Transit (PAT) Survey was a telephone survey (both landline and cell) conducted in 2010 and 2011 by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The PAT survey asked respondents about physical activity at work, in the home, for recreation and commuting and how often New Yorkers engaged in active transportation (e.g., walking and biking) and sedentary behaviors. The survey also asked a variety of questions on neighborhood safety and access to food, and about general physical and mental health.
Physical Activity and Transit Survey:
The PAT survey was conducted in two waves: September-November of 2010 (n=1323) and in March-November of 2011 (n=2488). To provide equal statistical power for comparisons, a similar number of participants were interviewed in each New York City borough (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island). All data were then weighted to adjust for the probability of selection and for differential nonresponse. The weighted sample sums to the estimated number of mobile New York City adults living in each borough. Interviews were conducted in English, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese).